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IQOS ILUMA PRIME™ is the latest generation of IQOS™ devices, designed to elevate your tobacco experience with the bladeless SMARTCORE INDUCTION SYSTEM™. With IQOS ILUMA PRIME™, there's no cleaning, 20 uses on one full charge including 2 consecutive uses, and advanced features: Lock/unlock, Experiences, AutoStart, Smart gestures. IQOS ILUMA PRIME™ is available in 2 colors: Black & Green.
How to differentiate IQOS ILUMA PRIME from other IQOS devices?
IQOS ILUMA PRIME™ is the latest generation of IQOS™ devices, designed to elevate your tobacco experience with the bladeless SMARTCORE INDUCTION SYSTEM™. IQOS ILUMA PRIME™ is the only IQOS ILUMA™ device that is available in 4 different colours: Taupe, Green, Black, Gold. As a newer generation IQOS ILUMA™, IQOS ILUMA PRIME™ offers you our most sophisticated design and advanced feature like a new closing mechanism and AutoStart.
Where can I buy IQOS ILUMA PRIME in-store?
In addition to the IQOS online shop, you can find our IQOS ILUMA PRIME in all IQOS stores and at authorized retailers. Find an IQOS store near you.
How does IQOS ILUMA PRIME work?
With no heating blade, no tobacco residue, no cleaning: IQOS ILUMA PRIME™ uses the innovative SMARTCORE INDUCTION SYSTEM™ that gently heats the tobacco inside the SMARTCORE STICK™ rather than burning it.
How much does IQOS ILUMA PRIME cost?
IQOS ILUMA PRIME is available for 469 NIS.
What is the difference between IQOS ILUMA PRIME and IQOS ILUMA?
IQOS ILUMA PRIME™ offers you our most sophisticated design and advanced feature like a new closing mechanism. IQOS ILUMA PRIME™ Holder and Pocket Charger come in an aluminium body with a leather or fabric wrap on the Pocket Charger. IQOS ILUMA PRIME™ is available in 2 colors: Black & Green.
Can I try IQOS ILUMA PRIME before I buy?
How many puffs in IQOS ILUMA PRIME?
The IQOS ILUMA PRIME holder is designed to provide 2 consecutive experiences and up to 20 uses from a fully charged Pocket Charger, each lasting up to 6 minutes or 14 puffs (whichever comes first).
To signal the last 30 seconds or last 2 puffs, IQOS ILUMA PRIME™ will vibrate once with 1 light pulsing white. The experience will end as soon as the light turns off.
IQOS ILUMA PRIME™ devices are designed to be used only with SMARTCORE STICKS™. There is no heating element to heat your HEETS™ stick with IQOS ILUMA PRIME™. An IQOS ILUMA™ device can only be activated by a SMARTCORE STICK™ so it will not start if anything other than a SMARTCORE STICK™ is inserted. With the SMARTCORE INDUCTION SYSTEM™ technology, there is no blade in the Holder but instead a metal heating element is placed inside the SMARTCORE STICK™.
How long does IQOS ILUMA PRIME last?
Your experience with IQOS ILUMA PRIME™ with SMARTCORE STICKS™ lasts up to 6 mins or 14 puffs, whichever comes first.